Open Waters Version 1.6.2 Released
Open Waters Version 1.6.2 released with more enhancements, as the Open Waters community continues to grow.
- Improvements to Crosstab Import Template Configuration Page: characteristic, unit, and activity ID drop-downs added
- Added new help page
- Updated Installation/Users Guide
- Fix import from cross tab when no Activity Type or Activity Media provided to show correct error message.
- Cross-tab Activity Data Import Enhancement: new option to include seconds when autogenerating activity ID
- Activity Data Import Enhancements: when detecting column data based on header text: (A) now case-insensitive (B) system can now detect column header alias names for certain columns
- Activity Data Import Enhancements: when importing data that already has matching activity ID’s added option to either replace or append to existing data
- WQX History page expanded: now can also display records pending for WQX transfer and now available for non-global admins
- Charting Page Improvements: added ability to filter only data shared with EPA; fix monitoring location drop-down;
- Public map improvement: added organization to popup window; add organization data filter
- Activity Details Page: added ability to view/edit more result fields (Laboratory, Lab Sample Prep Method, Prep Date, Dilution Factor)